180 Thomas Street, Haymarket

Recently I photographed 180 Thomas Street, Haymarket.

This building was designed by architects Bates Smart  and is quite unique because of its sustainable features such as high efficiency lighting, chilled beam cooling and high performance glazing. From a photographers point of view, the most interesting feature to photograph was the horizontal layered stacks surrounded by green glass. Reflection was certainly an issue so I used a polarising filter and like all architectural photography challenges vertical distortion needs to be fixed- unless of course you are using a tilt shift lens. So what is vertical distortion. Simply it is when the plane of your camera’s sensor is not parallel to the plane of the building you are shooting. I was able to correct this in post processing using Lightroom under the lens correction tab.

180 Thomas Street, Haymarket, Bates Smart, Architecture
This building 180 Thomas Street, Haymarket, Sydney was designed by architects Bates Smart. Its quite unique because of its sustainable features such as high efficency lighting, chilled beam cooling and high performance glazing.


This building 180 Thomas Street, Haymarket, Sydney was designed by architects Bates Smart. Its quite unique because of its sustainable features such as high efficency lighting, chilled beam cooling and high performance glazing.

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