Thinking Outside the Corporate Brief for that Different Shot

Recently I covered a corporate event for a client who is a believer in using technology to help people lead a healthier life by diet and motivation. Their personal app was launched at this event. My brief was to cover the whole event and to capture the day as it unfolded as well as covering all the main speeches, cooking demos and guest presentations.

But how do you get a shot that is a little less obvious and different to the standard setup at these events. Well from my experience a good tip for corporate shoots  is to simply look around you when you have time to pause once all the main coverage is done. The new app was projected on a screen and it just so happened that next to it was a meeting room surrounded by glass with an interesting interior, warm lighting and a meeting in progress about the new product. I knew straightaway that I had captured something slightly different.

Naturally these opportunities will not always present themselves no matter how hard you look especially if the interior of the space is not interesting. When it does work it’s certainly rewarding.

Paul Lovelace's Trim For Life Corporate Shoot

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