The modern Stock photography industry is no doubt highly competitive and saturated in this day and age – I am forever reading about the endless supply of stock images online. However high quality stock photos still play an important role and are definitely in demand – I recently managed to license a photo I did 5 years ago of Palm Beach. Photo buyers only have so much time to find an image that grabs their attention and fits their needs. Here is an outline on how to stand out from the crowd when licensing your images:
Correct key wording is essential and detailed captions I think are very important. The more variety of images supplied, producing great quality work, and knowing what type of photos are likely to sell is the key to success in stock sales. Where I mention likely to sell, there are times when the least likely photo sells as well. I am constantly going through my archive and key wording photos that I took some time ago and have never uploaded online. This is generally the way I spend my time as well as shooting new stock images when I am not doing corporate shoots.