Motion Is Not Changing The Future Of Photography

I came across an article on A Photo Editor on how motion is changing the future of photography. I simply do not agree. Excellent photography is a craft on its own and a different skill to how a videographer would capture a scene. Photography and Video are separate business models and always will be. A good example of this was when I did a shoot for Nestlé to photograph a new product that was being launched. The brief was to photograph the product being prepared and sampled in the test kitchen but they also hired a film crew to shoot a high end video of their latest product with a producer on hand to direct everything. Blue chip corporations are simply  going to hire a professional videographer to achieve the results they desire and a professional photographer for the still images they desire. There will always be a demand for photography. Still images are stronger than ever in the world of corporate photography and are in constant demand for use on websites, media campaigns and social media platforms. Below is a shot I took of Prime Minister Tony Abbott, the then opposition leader, for a corporate client at the time.

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