Paddington Reservoir Gardens

If you are visiting Sydney for the first time then Paddington Reservoir Gardens has to be on your list of places to visit. A commercial client request brought me to the gardens for the first time.

This unique public space situated in Sydney’s eastern suburbs has everything from iron rooftops to brick archways and surrounded by tropical plants and water gardens. A similarity has been drawn to the ancient Baths of Caracalla in Rome and the hanging gardens in Babylon. A former water reservoir for the City of Sydney it has since been restored to its former glory.

From a photographers point of view the combination of deep blue sky, shadows and highlights certainly produces a great dynamic range. In terms of composition, the iron rooftop in particular have all the ingredients of lines, textures and patterns. Overall a great location to photograph.

Paddington Reservoir Gardens, Composition, Iron Rooftop, Lines, Textures,
An amazing urban park called Paddington Reservoir Gardens, Paddington, Sydney.

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