Portrait of a Creative Genius

With every aspect of portrait photography such as lighting, composition and location, there is one ingredient that is not often talked about.
Having a rapport with your subject is essential especially when it comes to photographing a creative genius like Benjamin Skepper.
Benjamin is a musician, multi media artist, composer, published scientific researcher and cultural advocate. He has also been appointed a Fellow of the Moscow
State Conservatory of Music, working in the science department in the ground breaking field of music and genetics.
So when I first meet Benjamin, its no surprise that he has worked out exactly the location for our portrait shoot.
Benjamin’s assistant drives us to Newtown Street Art District and we arrive at a particular location where Benjamin’s graffitti artist friend has created mural artworks.
The next minute we are in a very narrow one way street where I have placed my tripod and lights in the middle of the street. A car is heading straight towards me.
Benjamin’s response is “keep shooting, don’t worry about the cars, they can wait”.
The rest of it is up to me. By now I am so inspired, having listened to Benjamin’s views on classical music and how he wants to dismantle this traditional structure.
An immediate thought comes into my mind- “do you like Brian Eno”. We both do, the rapport and chemistry has begun.
Artist; Benjamin Skepper; Composer; Composition; Creative Genius; Lighting; Musician; Newtown Street Art; Portrait Photography; Sydney; headshots; portraits
Portraits of Benjamin Skepper, Sydney.
Artist; Benjamin Skepper; Composer; Composition; Creative Genius; Lighting; Musician; Newtown Street Art; Portrait Photography; Sydney; headshots; portraits
Portraits of Benjamin Skepper, Sydney.

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